distances_binney (ravedr4.distances_binney)
The table has 387930 rows, 28 columns.
The page describes the columns and properties of the table with distances (J. Binney, 2014).
Funding for Rave has been provided by:
- the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP);
- the Australian Astronomical Observatory;
- the Australian National University;
- the Australian Research Council;
- the French National Research Agency;
- the German Research Foundation (SPP 1177 and SFB 881);
- the European Research Council (ERC-StG 240271 Galactica);
- the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica at Padova;
- the Johns Hopkins University;
- the National Science Foundation of the USA (AST-0908326);
- the W. M. Keck foundation;
- the Macquarie University;
- the Netherlands Research School for Astronomy;
- the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada;
- the Slovenian Research Agency;
- the Swiss National Science Foundation;
- the Science & Technology FacilitiesCouncil of the UK;
- Opticon;
- Strasbourg Observatory;
- the Universities of Basel, Groningen, Heidelberg and Sydney.
This work has made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission Gaia (https://www.cosmos.esa.int/gaia), processed by the GaiaData Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC, https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/dpac/consortium). Funding for the DPAC has been provided by national institutions, in particular the institutions participating in the Gaia Multilateral Agreement.
Name | Type | UCD | Unit | Description |
rave_obs_id | char | meta.id |
Unique Identifier for RAVE objects, Observation Date, Fieldname, Fibernumber |
objectid | char | meta.id |
Object identifier from used input catalogs Tycho, SuperCOSMOS, DENIS |
met_b | float | phys.abund.Z |
[m/H] |
e_met_b | float | phys.abund.Z |
Error of [m/H] |
age | float |
arith stat.error |
Age estimation (log10(age)) |
e_age | float |
stat.error arith |
error of age estimation e_(log10(age)) |
mass | float | phys.mass | solMass |
Mass |
e_mass | float |
stat.error phys.mass |
solMass |
Error of Mass |
dist | float | pos.distance | kpc |
Distance (kpc) |
e_dist | float |
stat.error pos.distance |
kpc |
Error of Distance |
av | float |
stat.error phys.absorption |
log_10(Av) optical extinction, see p4 ff, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 1-8 (2012) |
e_av | float |
stat.error phys.absorption |
error log_10(Av) optical extinction, see p4 ff, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 1-8 (2012) |
parallax | float | pos.parallax | mas |
Parallax |
e_parallax | float |
stat.error pos.parallax |
mas | |
distancemodulus_binney | float | phot.mag.distMod | mag |
Distance Modulus from Binney et al. 2014 |
edistancemodulus_binney | float | phot.mag.distMod | mag |
Error of distance Modulus from Binney et al. 2014 |
n_gaussian | int | meta.number |
Number of components required for multi-aussian distance modulus fit |
gaussmean_1 | float | stat.fit.param |
Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5 |
gausssigma_1 | float | stat.fit.param |
Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5 |
gaussfrac_1 | float | stat.fit.param |
Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5 |
gaussmean_2 | float | stat.fit.param |
Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5 |
gausssigma_2 | float | stat.fit.param |
Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5 |
gaussfrac_2 | float | stat.fit.param |
Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5 |
gaussmean_3 | float | stat.fit.param |
Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5 |
gausssigma_3 | float | stat.fit.param |
Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5 |
gaussfrac_3 | float | stat.fit.param |
Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5 |
chisq_binney | float | stat.fit.chi2 |
chi square |
fitflag | int |