Distances for RAVE DR5 (ravedr5.distancesnotgas_pjm2017)

The table has 224837 rows, 99 columns.


Distances for RAVE DR5 sources which do not have TGAS parallaxes (see McMillan et al 2017)


Funding for Rave has been provided by:

  • the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP);
  • the Australian Astronomical Observatory;
  • the Australian National University;
  • the Australian Research Council;
  • the French National Research Agency;
  • the German Research Foundation (SPP 1177 and SFB 881);
  • the European Research Council (ERC-StG 240271 Galactica);
  • the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica at Padova;
  • the Johns Hopkins University;
  • the National Science Foundation of the USA (AST-0908326);
  • the W. M. Keck foundation;
  • the Macquarie University;
  • the Netherlands Research School for Astronomy;
  • the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada;
  • the Slovenian Research Agency;
  • the Swiss National Science Foundation;
  • the Science & Technology FacilitiesCouncil of the UK;
  • Opticon;
  • Strasbourg Observatory;
  • the Universities of Basel, Groningen, Heidelberg and Sydney.

This work has made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission Gaia (https://www.cosmos.esa.int/gaia), processed by the GaiaData Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC, https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/dpac/consortium). Funding for the DPAC has been provided by national institutions, in particular the institutions participating in the Gaia Multilateral Agreement.


Name Type UCD Unit Description
rave_obs_id char meta.id

Unique Identifier for RAVE objects, Observation Date, Fieldname, Fibernumber

raveid char meta.id

(J2000 GCS), see Note in DR4

radeg double pos.eq.ra deg

Right Ascension (J2000)

dedeg double pos.eq.dec deg

Declination (J2000)

glon double pos.galactic.lon deg

Longitude (J2000 GCS)

glat double pos.galactic.lat deg

Latitude (J2000 GCS)

hrv float spect.dopplerVeloc

Heliocentric radial velocity

ehrv float stat.error

Error of Heliocentric radial velocity stat.error

pmra_tgas double pos.pm

Proper motion (Right Ascension)

pmra_error_tgas double stat.errror

Error of proper motion (RA)

pmde_tgas double pos.pm

Proper motion (Declination)

pmde_error_tgas double stat.error

Error of proper motion (DE)

distance float pos.distance pc

spectrophotometric Distance (McMillan et al. 2017)

edistance float pos.distance pc

Error of spectrophotometric Distance (McMillan et al. 2017)

age float arith

Age estimation.

eage float arith

Error Age estimation.

mass float phys.mass solMass


e_mass float phys.mass solMass

Error Mass

log_av float stat.error

log_10(Av) optical extinction. See McMillan et al 2017, §2.1

elog_av float stat.error

Error of log_10(Av) optical extinction. . See McMillan et al 2017, §2.1

parallax float pos.parallax mas

spectrophotometric Parallax (McMillan et al. 2017)

eparallax float stat.error

Error of spectrophotometric Parallax (McMillan et al. 2017)

dist_mod float phot.mag.distMod mag

Distance Modulus from McMillan et al. 2017

edist_mod float phot.mag.distMod mag

Error of distance Modulus from McMillan et al. 2017

teff_pjm double phys.temperature.effective K

Effective temperature from reverse pipeline (McMillan et al 2017)

eteff_pjm double phys.temperature.effective K

Error effective temperature from reverse pipeline (McMillan et al 2017)

logg_pjm double phys.gravity

Log gravity from reverse pipeline (McMillan et al 2017)

elogg_pjm double phys.gravity

Log gravity from reverse pipeline (McMillan et al 2017)

n_gauss_fit int meta.number

Number of components required for multi-aussian distance modulus fit

gauss_mean_1 float stat.fit.param

Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see McMillan et al. 2017, eq. 4

gauss_sigma_1 float stat.fit.param

Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see McMillan et al. 2017, eq. 4

gauss_frac_1 float stat.fit.param

Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see McMillan et al. 2017, eq. 4

gauss_mean_2 float stat.fit.param

Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see McMillan et al. 2017, eq. 4

gauss_sigma_2 float stat.fit.param

Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see McMillan et al. 2017, eq. 4

gauss_frac_2 float stat.fit.param

Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see McMillan et al. 2017, eq. 4

gauss_mean_3 float stat.fit.param

Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see McMillan et al. 2017, eq. 4

gauss_sigma_3 float stat.fit.param

Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see McMillan et al. 2017, eq. 4

gauss_frac_3 float stat.fit.param

Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see McMillan et al. 2017, eq. 4

fitquality_gauss float meta.code.qual

Given by symbol F in eq. 5 of McMillan et al. 2017

fit_flag_gauss int meta.code.qual

See paragraph 2.1 (McMillan et al. 2017)

av_schlegel double phys.absorption mag

Total Extinction in V-band from Schlegel et al. (1998)

logg_n_k double phys.gravity

Log gravity (Note 2, DR5)

elogg_k double phys.gravity

Log gravity (Note 2, DR5)

teff_ir float phys.temperature.effective K

Effective temperature from infrared flux method

eteff_ir float stat.error

Error of effective temperature from infrared flux method

met_n_k double phys.abund.Z

Calibrated metallicity [m/H]

emet_k double phys.abund.Z

Error of [m/H]

parallax_tgas double pos.parallax mas


parallax_error_tgas double stat.error

Error of parallax

jmag_2mass float phot.mag

J selected default magnitude from 2MASS

ejmag_2mass float stat.error

error 2MASS J magnitude

hmag_2mass float phot.mag

H selected default magnitude from 2MASS

ehmag_2mass float stat.error

error 2MASS H magnitude

kmag_2mass float phot.mag

K selected default magnitude from 2MASS

ekmag_2mass float stat.error

error 2MASS K magnitude

w1mag_allwise float phot.mag

W1 magnitude from ALLWISE

ew1mag_allwise float stat.error

Error W1 magnitude from ALLWISE

w2mag_allwise float phot.mag

W2 magnitude from ALLWISE

ew2mag_allwise float stat.error

Error W2 magnitude from ALLWISE

mg float phys.abund.Z

[Mg/H] abundance of Mg

mg_n short meta.number

Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Mg/H]

al float phys.abund.Z

[Al/H] abundance of Al

al_n short meta.number

Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Al/H]

si float phys.abund.Z

[Si/H] abundance of Si

si_n short meta.number

Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Si/H]

ti float phys.abund.Z

[Ti/H] abundance of Ti

ti_n short meta.number

Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Ti/H]

fe float phys.abund.Z

[Fe/H] abundance of Fe

fe_n short meta.number

Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Fe/H]

ni float phys.abund.Z

[Ni/H] abundance of Ni

ni_n short meta.number

Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Ni/H]

c1 char meta.code

1.st minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

c2 char meta.code

2.nd minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

c3 char meta.code

3.rd minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

c4 char meta.code

4.th minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

c5 char meta.code

5.th minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

c6 char meta.code

6.th minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

c7 char meta.code

7.th minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

c8 char meta.code

8.th minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

c9 char meta.code

9.th minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

c10 char meta.code

10.th minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

c11 char meta.code

11.th minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

c12 char meta.code

12.th minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

c13 char meta.code

13.th minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

c14 char meta.code

14.th minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

c15 char meta.code

15.th minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

c16 char meta.code

16.th minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

c17 char meta.code

17.th minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

c18 char meta.code

18.th minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] )

c19 char meta.code

19.th minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

c20 char meta.code

20.th minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w])

snr double stat.snr

Signal/Noise Ratio of Kordopatis Pipeline

algo_conv_k short meta.code.qual

Quality Flag for Stellar Parameter pipeline,[0..4]

flag_lowlogg short meta.code.qual

0 => logg >= 2.0, 1 => logg <2.0

flag_outlier short meta.code.qual

0 => not outlier, 1 => outlier (TGAS & RAVE-only differ by more than 4 sigma

flag_n short meta.code.qual

0 => spectrum flagged as normal by first 3 labels from Matijevič et al (2012, ApJS, 200, 14), 1 => spectrum flagged as normal

flag_pole short meta.code.qual

0 => good TGAS region, 1 => source lies in problematic TGAS region near ecliptic pole (165 < lambda <195, beta < 30), see McMillan et al. 2017

flag_dup short meta.code.qual

0 => only/best spectrum of start in RAVEDR5, 1 => spectrum of same star with higher SNR is in RAVEDR5

flag_any short meta.code.qual

0 => all five flags above are 0, 1 => any of the above flags are 1